
10 years sober!


I am 10 years sober, this 10th day of January 2024!



When I look back to that day in 2014 when I made up my mind to leave alcohol in my past,

A big smile forms on my entire face.

At one point in time, I honestly thought I would end this “trial”!



As I have always said in the years before today commemorating this landmark,

Choosing the life of being sober is no joke!

You are literally putting yourself in the line of “fire”.

What do I mean by “fire”?



There are days where you will be so tempted to cheat yourself and the progress you’ve made, just to have a drink.

There are days where you will not see the point of carrying on sober, while everyone is seeming to have a great time sipping on something.

There are days when so many people will put you on the ultimate test of forcing you to have a drink, even when you have clearly stated to them that you don’t want one!




I look and wonder how my life would have turned out if I was still drinking alcohol!

When I look at so many people today who are struggling as a result of alcohol consumption, my heart breaks for them!

It is not an easy road!



With the right form of support,

You can always make it.

You can make it past even the 10 years that I have made today!



Allow me celebrate my day today, in a special way!

Soon enough, I will be sharing more on what I’ve gained in these 10 years I’ve been sober!

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