Wandering Mind

22 years later…

How is it that something happens more than 20 years ago

You didn’t even know about it, then

But now, that you do a little something about it, it infuriates you?

What I am going to talk about is something very serious

Something that should have never happened

And something that should never happen to anybody….I don’t care who you are!

I am talking about The Clinton Affair!!!

If you haven’t watched it yet, now is a good time to watch it!

What happened in there was never supposed to happen, the way it happened!

So, today in the morning, first thing out of my sleep

I turned on my laptop to complete watching episode 5 from last night

And all over a sudden, I felt a very strong feeling sweeping me over

I felt many things….sadness, guilt, shame, betrayal, disgust, loads of anger over what happened to Monica, Juanita, Paula, Gennifer, Kathleen and most likely others we never got to know about!

These women’s’ names and lives must never be forgotten….they must be said and respected!

I guess its true what they say about the patriarchy…..

They say, “it rewards and punishes”.

Question is….who does it reward and who does it punish? Why does it do so?

How is it that the Clintons’ walked away scot-free and the other women carried all the burden, shame, ridicule, insult, injury like it were them to blame? How did we all let this happen?

How did telling a yes and a no become so complicated?

To the point that 70 MILLION US DOLLARS of taxpayers’ money was used in the 7 years of running up and down in buildings and in front of total strangers?

What happened to us men? When did we become this level of shitty?



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