

Every 21st day of the month of September

Is when I mark off another complete year I have lived

And start off another year of living

And 2019 is when I turned 27

My 26th year on earth

Has been a very challenging one

I just might even conclude that by far, it has been the most challenging and interesting of them all

Dealing with anxiety, carrying on my rebellion against oppression and injustice of any form, learning more, blogging more and being able to earn something from it

Somebody say, “Cheese”.

This year has had me understanding more of how things can be, how they are and how they should be

And I must admit I made many decisions about how I wanted to handle these revelations

On some days, it all turned to be troublesome

But like they say….”sleep over it and let’s see about it tomorrow”,

I knew exactly what to do!

Looking forward to the future.

My anxiety this year, hasn’t been so bad

To say

Compared to what it was like in 2018

Panic attacks and worry were the order of the day for weeks and days on

This year, we’ve been more of smiles and laughter….just like my biography says


Also, this is the year when I carried on with this thing I started in 2017

Of putting myself first before anything else

Everybody else comes second

Selfish, if you say but so worth it, if you ask me!!!!


I am living a more conscious life now

Taking a much deeper interest in history…both mine and that of other people

Fighting to see that we all have a system that works for us all….rich or poor, white or not….

Appreciating what I have and making the most of it all!


How can I forget about my ever increasing love and appreciation for reggae music and culture?

My blog, too

The power that I hold as a person

What all that means put together!


All this said,

More food, more life, more consciousness, more love

More therapy of every form, more joy, more reggae



Let’s see how this 27th goes!

Ps. All these photos were taken by Kasese Raymond and they belong to COWI Uganda, a subsidiary of the COWI Group.

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