
31 years old now!

Yes  yes….the rumours turned out to be true.

I am 31 years old now!



This past year has been a very mixed year; full of surprises and shocks here and there.

I managed to confront my past and meet it halfway.

As well as my present and met it halfway, too.


I have liked and enjoyed this past year.

The troubling moments were there, yes.

But, that did not stop me from living the way I have been living for the past 5 years now!


I managed to do more exercising than I had done in my last 30 years alive.

The results are showing now, barely a year after and I love it all.


Do I have any regrets this past year?

I cannot say that I have.

Everything I have done… (Excluding driving straight into a traffic jam of course) has been well thought of.


Did I meet some new people this past year?

Yes, I did.

In fact, there is one I like a lot more than the rest.


Did last year run off so quickly?

Yes, it did.

Am I the only person that saw this happen?


Did I hit any of my set targets for this year?

No, I did not.

I do not set yearly targets any more.

I prefer living my life, one present moment at a time!


Do I feel like we should all go back in 2021 or last year?

Oh no, I would not go back.

It was a disturbed year already, as it was.

Let us keep going forward.

Better times are ahead of us.


I look forward to slowly but surely getting back out there.

The COVID19 literally sent me back to my shell and I had been living there quietly ever since.

I had missed the world!

And I hope to make you, who is reading this, an acquaintance of mine.

31 years old now!

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