
Add value to thy

Adding value to thy
Interesting statement it is, right?

Photo credit: oecs.org

Let’s try breaking it down a bit….adding, to begin with
By default, we are all valuable individuals, to each other, in our respective capacities
No matter how rich or poor or loud or quiet or deceitful or honest we are

Photo credit: theodysseyonline.com

Do we still agree, up to this point?

Then, comes a time in our lives when we feel like we need to upgrade
That’s when it comes to mind that we need to add a little something to our closet of clothing we wear, in order to become more attractive and admirable
It could be in form of a skill or a mission or a devotion to something…..it can be anything, really.

Photo credit: jschallconsulting.com

Keep in mind that this add-ition takes some time to come to reality….so no need to rush it

Then, in comes, value
Value is that thing that sets you apart from the rest…both in quantity and quality.
It could be that one factor that picks you out of the general circle of the crowd
If it were to be measured, how much would you valuably go for?
In terms of the service you render or just who you are and associating with you can take

Photo credit: julianstodd.wordpress.com

And then finally, we have thy
Thy…. Thy….
This is where you come in
You, the individual….
And not the one that’s part of a group or ratchet or class or mob
…. Just you

Photo credit: scalethis.com

So, to combine the entire statement….it all boils down to one thing….you adding value to you, as an individual
In order to do that, though
You need to look around you through and through
Look very closely
To the very last detail and inch of your hair
And find out what you can learn in form of a skill to better yourself and your chances of having a much better life, at the end of the day
These skills range from anything to do with your hands to those to do with your way with words (like I, here), to general life skills like negotiation and improved communication skills
Grab unto one of these and hold on very tightly
Learn all that you can from this journey

Photo credit: pinterest.com

Learn to manipulate them to your advantage
Twist them around, to make them suit your tastes and preferences, as an individual
Make them yours
Own them
Wear them like you would wear your Sunday best outfit

Photo credit: thechemicalengineer.com

Be that kind of person that the world will look for, FIRST, when they’re seeking for an informed opinion on something.
Be that person that holds all the keys to the gateways of knowledge on a particular issue
Good news is, you don’t need so much to do all of this…. BEGIN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.

Photo credit: metsafibre.com

Have we made some sense?

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