I’m not sure what comes to your mind whenever you hear of the word, “CONDOM” but “RUBBER CASING” is what comes into mine!
Many people always shun away from #CONDOMTALK in all corners of the world but, truthfully, they’re the same people that rush, in silence, to procure them for what we all know best…hhhmmmm… Condom-talk doesn’t hurt, harm or even shatter somebody but it’s only the attitudes and their varying cousins called problems, they carry along with them. Avoiding #CONDOMTALK is exactly like avoiding to talk about causalities that shall be suffered, once in a war-zone because there must be at least 1 person that shall have to be lost in the cross-fire!
I don’t know if we agree on that part!!!
Secondly, if we agree that consistent use of condoms can actually prevent STI’s and STD’s from catching us, how do we get everybody to accept that “protection is wealth”? Men, especially believe this #CONDOMTALK is for sissies but do you agree with them, lady? Men shall always tell you how they were born to be risk-takers and therefore, aren’t mandated to be afraid of contracting HIV/AIDS but let’s face the truth here, whether you’re afraid of the HIV or not, it can attack anyone and destroy their lives forever!
Thirdly, why doesn’t the average woman always stand up for her sexual reproductive health and rights that entail her to make a decision about condom-use, with her partner, at her own will? Many women, till today, still fear condom-negotiations, simply because of scorn and staunch ridicule awaiting them for being promiscuous. To that effect, they trash out all #CONDOMTALK and submissively accept to engage in unprotected sex, with unfaithful partners!
Then, I come to my good friends, the elders and religious leaders who argue that #CONDOMTALK is all equal to promiscuity and it’s promotion in society! I highly disagree with them on this since the makers of guns, aren’t the only “killers” we have in the world today, correct? Being knowledgeable doesn’t make you reckless. It’s supposed to make you empowered and thereby, foster positive behavioral change, in all aspects. I would want to imagine a generation that were in now, today, that didn’t use condoms! How many would we be, out there, on our tiny earth?
Source: europe.newsweek.com
If you ask me, I believe if we had many more of condoms distributed out + condom sense preached out to the masses, we would have less of dying mothers aborting, on daily-basis. Having 800 or so young women and girls die out of unsafe abortions, is simply unacceptable! It must end and #CONDOMTALK with all, can help us achieve our goal.