
Eating tomorrow TODAY

First off, I hope you have THIS!!!

By that, I mean the 2019 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World! It was published by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations.

It has a cover that looks just like this.

I am sure you will find so much you need to think about….as you a human being, as a parent, as a guardian, as a member of the global workforce, as a tax-payer, as a senior citizen and most of all, as a child!



I want us now to focus on this particular topic that has kept on disturbing my mind for a while now

Being the “sustainably-eating” foodie that I am, this post has everything to do with my heart (I hope that’s even a thing)

To do with our savings and how we “eat” these savings, for those that manage to save and how we can do it better

You work, yes. You are earning some money. Maybe, maybe not.

You are able to get something to eat from this same money you have with you now. That’s good if you ask me. Not so many people enjoy this privilege you are enjoying now!

What you are eating…is it enough to your fill?

Or, are you simply having something small enough to carry you through the day?

Oohhh….I almost forgot, is what you are eating nutritious?

Next set of questions…

Are you eating tomorrow’s share today?

Are you sure you will have more money in your pocket to buy more food?

Is this your usual way of doing things?

Margarita Ventura Pinula selling her vegetables at the Chicama?n market. She belongs to AGRISEM, a Chola? based cooperative.

Back in college, I did experience “eating tomorrow TODAY

That day, I really wish I had listened to what I was being told

And that is, “to eat sparingly and save some for tomorrow”

The hunger pangs got so bad that evening as I was laying on my bed after taking my shower that I cried my hunger away…..(believe me when I say this)

The “supper-bell” wasn’t being sounded quicker this time….it was barely 5:20 PM, I didn’t have a single penny on me or a snack…so many of my friends had either of the two…and all I could do was fold away, yawn and weep away!

Then, the bell was rung! You should have seen me running to the dining-hall. Usain Bolt was too slow at that time, for me.

That day as I ate my supper, I swore to never get myself in such a situation ever again in my life!

Never to eat my tomorrow TODAY…right before my eyes and carelessly like that.

That meant doing whole lots more of minimalism in my spending and consuming habits

Very closely examining what I eat because I discovered that too much junk inside me always kept creeping on me to keep eating more junk and that in the end, ends with “premium tears of hunger”!

Having my meals on time and under close monitoring from my dieticians….(yeah, I have been privileged that way in my life and I never take that lightly)

Sparing all that I know can’t eat in one go, for my neighbour who will come in hungry and without anything to eat

Most of all, understanding what nutrition and diet and food all means put together!



What do you think?




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