
How are we protecting our brains from Alzheimer’s?

Are you aware that the world commemorated the “World Alzheimer’s Day” last week?

The theme for this year was “Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimer’s”.


Photo credit: Wikipedia


Many people associate this disease with the condition of being forgetful.

It’s a natural thing to forget a thing or two.

Constantly forgetting is the very scary part.


Photo credit: Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Antigua


I want you to picture this;

You wake up in the morning, exchange greetings with those around you calling them by their name and in the next 10 minutes, you can’t recall any of these people by name and position they occupy in your life!

Wouldn’t you fear such a thing?


Photo credit: Burjeel Hospital


There must be something we can do, to protect our brains from getting to this, right?

I know for a fact that besides this being a condition one usually passes unto their offing; our own lifestyles can also lead or contribute to this condition.


Photo credit: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


From my end here,

  1. Stay away from drugs – those mess up our brain wiring, functioning and chemistry.
  2. Read a text or publication every day!
  3. Have your night sleep of at least 6 hours every day.
  4. Meditate at least once a day!
  5. Try so much to have all the food you eat, boiled or steamed!
  6. Try so much to play a puzzle like the Sudoku, every day or as often as possible!


What are those ways you suggest we deploy to protect our brains from this life-changing condition of Alzheimer’s?

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