
I got a choice to make here….and fast!

How many of these do you know out there?
Personally, I don’t know of so many but I presume, there’s a like hundreds of these
Name them….all the way from Remit to I-don’t-know what…
Photo credit: hlb.com.my

What drives one to make use of a particular service provider, over the other or others, is the yardstick and worth talking about, correct?

Photo credit: inheadline.com

Ranging from the scope they cover
Take Remit for example, it’s scope covers Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda. Plans are underway to have more countries included on the roster! Good news, right?
How they are rated, on the global space
According to this article dating back in 2016, from PC Tech Mag https://pctechmag.com/2016/06/mobile-money-without-borders-remittance-growing-big-in-the-ecosystem/, Remit Uganda aims to make it easy for users to make real time money transfers from debit or credit card to mobile-money, from all over the world to their clientele in East Africa….their rating just has to be up there!
Their annual performance, as an entity…you know, to help guide you as you make your choice
To the charges that they levy on you, as you entrust them to move your money from one country to another

Photo credit: dailyblog25.com

How easy is it to sign up for these money-remittance services? The whole process of signing up…filling in the “front-cover short forms” to the “detailed information about you” form….do you find a particular service provider asking too much compared to others or to another?
Does the service provider offer a back-up plan for you, the customer, once a breach sets in? Incomplete transactions because of lost connections and all that…. Your money could go flying into no-where or to a wrong account, right?

Photo credit: videoblocks.com

How does your prospective service provider keep you going when this happens?
We’ll stick to East Africa, for today
To the connections from other countries that are not in East Africa…you know, these days you can’t really tell who will send you some dimes and from where. Does this particular service provider have some restrictions on where to send and receive money from? You might want to look into that, as well.
And the biggest factor of all, your internet connection….is it ready for these numbers?
This will come tricky. In that, does your service provider offer the option of using their service on both PC and on mobile? Say mobile phone, tablets….that kind of thing. The app ought to work well, across your particular phone’s operating system…be it Android or iOs, so that you never have to pile up rage and complaints about an expensive service you pay for but do struggle to utilise, simply because of errors and loopholes, here and there.

Photo credit: pctechmag.com

So, let’s go East African, for now…. How did you even come to know about money remittance and not mobile-money, per se?
Many of us get to use these services, through informal means and by that, I mean, word by mouth of recommendation from a friend or colleague or stranger. Desist so much from taking the word of the recommenders and you blindly pick one service provider, from the other.
A much fewer number of us get acquainted with these services straight away from the web, right?

Photo credit: youtube.com

Hope you choose wisely.

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