
Love Does Not Abuse!

Do we all agree that “love does not abuse”?

For abuse (physical, psychological, emotional, psycho-somatic and or otherwise) to thrive, there has to be detachment (physical, psychological and or otherwise) of some sort.

For one to be detached, there has to be an ill feeling like dislike (temporary and long-term).


Photo credit: Glamour 


For abuse to even start,

It must have been seen, noticed and practiced from somewhere!

Abuse doesn’t exist in a vacuum!


Photo credit: WomenWorking


It is from learning abuse that we live a life of impunity, believing that abusing someone is okay and acceptable!

Many times, the people next to us begin fearing us and not loving us in the form of respect!

The gap (physical, emotional, psychological and or otherwise) between the abuser and the abused gets wider by the day!


Photo credit: Vecteezy


I guess we can all tell, which direction the abuse and we are going to take, from here, right?

It doesn’t get any better from here unless we truly love ourselves first and more, before we can love others and not abuse them!


Photo credit: Upstate Family Resource Centre



Can we all agree that “the best feeling in the world doesn’t abuse”?

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