
Narcos Mexico

The name Mexico

Does it ring a bell?

How about “Narcos”?

How about Escobar?

Or “Juan Pablo Gaviria Escobar”?

Aaahhhh…. how about that?

It sure does to me!

There is so much I have been told about these three names

They had a lot going down back in the day, in Mexico.

And by that, I mean A LOT!!!

Some people prefer to call Escobar the world’s best drug lord ever

Others say he was the best boss ever

Some others say he was a good father and family man

Others say he was the worst piece of shit of his kind

Others say he was the most brutal human being they had ever met

Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar’s widow Maria Isabel Santos and Sebastian Marroquin, son, arrive in court as part of money laundering probe in Buenos Aires, Argentina May 14, 2018. REUTERS/Stringer – RC116F002AA0

One thing is for sure….

His son, Juan Pablo Escobar Jr. aka Sebastian Marroquin has felt the brunch of his father’s actions

He shared with us recently how he had to distance himself away from the family name

But that didn’t hold for long

Till he decided to take it all back!!!

A few years later

After all that went down

The entertainment and television industry came knocking on doors, numerous times,

To tell the story of the narcos

And that’s where the original Narcos came to be…on Netflix, for example

And on other networks, as well

Once the original story was done and covered,

Netflix decided it wasn’t really enough and so

They recently came up with the script turned what would have been the script for the fourth season of Narcos; for what we have now called the Mexican version of these narcos

Affectionately named Narcos Mexico

Which we are going to talk about today!

There is one name that caught my eye

Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo

Right away from season 1

This young man always had a thing for being a “shot caller”

The biggest one he could ever be

And I love that about him

He was so ambitious and strategic!

Well, that was right before it all got to his head

Andrés Almeida, Viviana Serna, Gorka Lasaosa, and Alejandro Edda in season 2 of ‘Narcos:Mexico’.

Word has it that he was the most powerful drug trafficker Mexico had ever seen

And also, by the time of his arrest in Guadalajara on the 8th of April in 1989, he was the number 1 fugitive in the country

And guess what, he was taken in without a single shot being fired!

Life is strange when you least expect it to be, right?

I mean, Miguel was a policeman before getting into this life

He was quite the ambitious type

Always looking for ways to getting to the top

And so, his thoughts came to be when he organized himself and others to form what has now come to be called the Guadalajara cartel


The DEA has plans of it’s own as well

They send in Kiki Camarena to solve this puzzle

He gets it right….getting them much more valuable intelligence than they have had in such a long time of tracking and following these guys

Its unfortunate that he loses his life for it and his death wasn’t in vain, though.

Narcos tells the story of the hunt for Pablo Escobar — a hunt in which DEA agents Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook, center) and Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal, right) worked closely with Colombian police. (Also pictured: Maurice Compt

Get ready for some cat-and-mouse games

As individuals like Rafa, Don Neto, Amado, El Chapo, Benjamin, El Azul, Pablo, Hector, Ramon

Get to mix with some much bigger cats like Pablo Escobar, Pacho, Miguel, Chepe, Poison, Blackie

Brazilian actor Wagner Moura plays Pablo Escobar in Netflix’s Narcos. Executive producer Eric Newman says Escobar was “very likely a sociopath, and certainly a terrorist.

~ I can’t wait for the next season ~


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