Issue Brief 9
So recently, I was at the UNFPA Uganda country-office for a very interesting meeting And on my way out, I…
The twenty-fourth of May
Yeah, it is that time of the year when Professor Monica Swahn graces us with her presence and that of…
I came across this article recently on the Health Line as I was reading about marijuana and it’s impact lately…
0 – 75+ = Your life journey
April 2018…. Allow me take you back in time, to this very interesting training I was part of Photo credit:…
Comprehensive Sexuality Education – Who is responsible?
There’s me There’s my neighbour There’s my parents There’s my parents at school There’s my teachers at school There’s my…
Wash your pickles….
“YYYYOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don’t you dare touch me With those …..eeerrrrr….pickles of yours” “Wwwhhhhyyyyyyyy? It’s not like I’ve touched the worst thing…
Is this what we give up our lives for?
My heart cries out in anguish Photo credit: Whenever I look at our soldiers Our very brave men and…
#MeToo for HIV
Can we not wait for October to change the status-quo on HIV? Can we begin with ourselves, in this ambition…
Call a penis a penis and a vagina a vagina
There’s discretion There are societal demands and tolerances There’s what is socially acceptable and not Photo credit: Reach A Hand…
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