
The Passage

Brad Wolgast

Bellafonte Amy

Dr Tim Fann

“I’ll just … I’ll just wait here, shall I?”: On The Passage, evil Tim Fanning (Jamie McShane) can’t help but look bored as he bides his time. And bides, and bides and bides.

Clark Richards

Dr Major Nicole Sykes

THE PASSAGE: L-R: Caroline Chikezie and Henry Ian Cusick in the “You Owe Me a Unicorn” episode of THE PASSAGE airing Monday, Jan. 21 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.© 2019 FOX Broadcasting. Cr: Erika Doss / FOX.

Dr Lila Kyle

Shauna Babcock

Dr Jonas Lear

THE PASSAGE: Henry Ian Cusick in THE PASSAGE premiering Monday, Jan. 14 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2019 FOX Broadcasting. CR: Eliza Morse / FOX

Anthony Carter

May you never forget each of these names and faces, too!

Most especially, Amy!

She represents our past where we set out on that unforgettable journey to the rain-forests

In the search for a cure to ….’s a nagging disease

Only to get infected with some very rare pathogen by some strange animal that took a bite at Tim.

Amy now represents our present….what we have…what we are working with….what we are working on

All this money that the government has “spent on us” in the form of a top-secret program

Set out to produce a human weapon like no other

In fact, I’ve only seen such a weapon in Treadstone!!!

Now, if you want to see what kind of weapon we are talking about here, take a good look at Tim and see for yourself what he is doing to everybody without even uttering a single word

That goes without saying that every single one of I needs a Brad in our corner

“The Agent”…

Someone that is in there with the “evil” but at the same time, in there with you, in the “good”

I couldn’t get enough of him with Amy, the last time

Have I mentioned the lengths science was and are ready and willing to go, for the sake of “medicine”?

And I don’t mean these lengths so many of us today are used to

Where somebody “voluntarily” offers themselves for a drug-trial

I am talking about “signing up” people on death-row like Shauna and Anthony to be the “guinea-pigs” for this trial or series of trials

Whether they get to live or die after that is a story for another day!!!

Remember that time when we spoke about kindness?

I want to ask you this….was any of us here kind…

To let our neighbour “move through The Passage without any disturbance

~ I can’t wait for the next chapter to know what happened ~


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