

Task at hand: Having the #UAPC20 running on social media.

When: 26TH – 27TH NOVEMBER, 2020

Background: The very first Uganda Alcohol Policy Conference was held two years back, in 2018 November…around this same time we were holding this one. The only difference was that this time around, the conference was very much more digital than it was in 2018.

This time around, just like in 2018, I would be gathered together with the rest of the people on the organizing committee of the conference and get to do this work, in first-person speech!


(Reporting on what actually happened…)


What happened: The #UAPC20 did run on social media (Twitter and Facebook) majorly.

When: On the 26th and on the 27th of November, 2020.

Current ground: I was situated at Fairway Hotel, with the rest of the organising team, ensuring that the conference was participated in, virtually. The prevalence of the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the highest office in the land ensured that this happened, to the dot!


To be honest, I knew I would be late to the conference on both days and that is how it was. I had to drive people to work first, including I and I, and then make my way to the #UAPC20!


See this lady in the picture below?

I missed listening to her recite some poetry. I’ve been repeatedly told she’s very good at it but I haven’t had the chance to actually listen to her, in real time. May be someday I will….


I managed to arrive right after she was done reciting her poem and got right into it.

Set up my entire work-station made of an iPad, laptop and two cell phones and lots of cables, too….


Did I tell you that for the conference, we (Destiny, Andrew and I) decided to share the available roles of the social media work to be done here?

I was specifically in-charge of tweeting the entire conference.


Destiny and Andrew were in rotation between ensuring our participants got in alright, into the conference via Zoom and Facebooking it all, live!


Ps. Never ever make the mistake of leaving your Zoom conference meeting unprotected. What do I mean?

Always keep the waiting room on and active. Vet each and every individual that wants to join the meeting before you let them in. Otherwise, you will join the very long list of numbers of conference meetings that have been hacked, over something that could have prevented it all from happening!


Now, we come to one of my favourite parts…listening to the numerous submissions made by the numerous groups and individuals invested in the struggle to end alcoholism!

Some of these submissions were in computer-generated slide form….like the ones I’ve shared below;



David Kalema, PhD.*, Moustapha M. Kibukila – Presenter, Mutaawe Rogers”


Alcohol Consumption during COVID 19: Case Study of Ubungo and Kinondoni Municipal.

Presentation by Gladness Hemedi Munuo– CRC Coordinator (Dipl.Journ; BA (Arts.Gen); MA PHL-STM.)”


Building networks, coalitions and Community action for alcohol policy control in East Africa“.

Uganda Alcohol Policy Conference 2020

Kampala – Uganda

Didas Balimanya © 2020

Advocacy and Lobbying Officer”


Alcohol Harm Prevention Capacity in East Africa: Interim Study Findings.

Nazarius Mbona Tumwesigye, Ph.D

David Kalema, Ph.D

Rogers Kasirye, M.A”


“Dr I. Uny (PI) and Prof. Niamh Fitzgerald, University of Stirling (UK) ; Dr Naz Tumwesigye, Makerere University, Uganda; Dr Ben Kaneka, Chancellor, College-University of Malawi, Malawi; Prof. Charles Parry, South African MRC (Cape Town), South Africa; Marsha Orgill, University of Cape Town, South Africa and Prof. Linda Bauld, Edinburgh University (UK) – regulating alcohol packaging and supply to protect health in sub-Saharan Africa; evidence from policy systems in Malawi and Uganda.”


“The East African Alcohol Policy Alliance

Journey and Updates

Sophia Komba

Chairperson of EAAPA”



Kristina Sperkova

Movendi International, President”


Successful Interventions in Low Resource Settings.

Neo K. Morojele, PhD

University of Johannesburg

South African Medical Research Council”


And also, we had other submissions handed to us at the conference-room podium like from Deogratias K. Sekimpi and Gerald M. Makumbi from UGANDA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH (UNACOH) on, “MOBILISING COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP FOR ALCOHOL REGULATION – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES”.


The National Alcohol Control Policy

By Dr. Hafsa Lukwata

At the 2nd Virtual Conference – 26th November 2020”


An Enforcement Of Alcohol Ordinances, Challenges And Opportunities In Northern Uganda: Perspective Of PACTA-Uganda, Gulu Arch Diocese.

Matthew Otto, PACTA Uganda”





2nd UAPC20 (Virtual Conference)

27th November 2020”


Compliance to and Impact of the Presidential Directives towards Reduction of COVID-19 in Uganda. (David Kalema, PhD., Juliet Namukasa, Mutaawe Rogers and other UAPA members)”


Setting Up an Epidemiological Alcohol and Drug Abuse Surveillance System – A presentation by Nazarius M Tumwesigye at the dissemination/validation meeting at 3pm, 13th Oct 2020, Via Zoom”


We also had testimonies given to us at the #UAPC20!

How I wish you had listened to Ongom Alfred, a former Police officer, speak with us about his battle with alcoholism and how he managed to overcome it….


Or Waiswa Henry Swaga from Ring of Hope, shares with us his testimony of battling alcohol addiction.


Or even the life experience Jamila Ali shared with us, about her battle with Pethadine abuse!


The meals….this is why I love hotels….you can never go hungry!

We didn’t go hungry….I didn’t, at least! (Hihi…)


Let me let you enjoy looking through some camera-captured moments of the conference, ehh!!!!


Ps. All those photos that you see, looking so pretty, belong to the Uganda Alcohol Policy Alliance and the screenshots belong to me!


~ We did our part Mobilizing Partnership and Community Action for a society free of alcohol harm at the #UAPC20! Do your part! ~

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