It was about damn time, Netflix!!!
I was really starting to crave Joe and YOU, too!
The way we ended the first chapter of this story….
Nothing short of epic and breath-taking!
How is it that Joe has still evaded the law from catching up with him? Those were some very serious crimes he committed right there!
Please remind me again….How the hell did he Will even get to L.A?
Beck didn’t do anything wrong and she most certainly didn’t deserve to be killed that way….by a person that claims to love her!
And neither did Peach!
Most certainly Candace!
All she did was love you, Joe.
What is that thing they say about love again?
“Love don’t hurt…love isn’t jealous
Love doesn’t keep rights or wrongs….”
I don’t know about you but I believe we are in for a whole different kind of loving in these times!
I present to you a thriller….a REALLY REALLY GOOD ONE!
That is so full of life and emptiness and darkness and sorrow and psychological games!
The only kind of darkness you find and see in The Purge!
Every single character has an “undercover” identity and agenda
The way they “carry themselves”, what they post on their social media handles, their circle of friends, how they want to help and assist out other people, the never-ending back-and-forth games they play with the authorities!
Till you get to see their true selves.
I saw a bit of Joe, last time around….
Now, I so much look forward to seeing Will!
This will be so much fun watching people “lose control”
Falling and throwing themselves into traps that “they themselves set”
And most likely, getting to pay for their crimes and reaping what they sowed.
~ I am watching YOU, very closely. ~