
Every country is a DEVELOPING country…How?

Is it fine, if we agree that every country in the world is still a DEVELOPING COUNTRY?
When it comes to the Sustainable Development Goals, at least!

Photo credit: unglobalcompact.org

If I may borrow that statement from David Nabarro, and get to think about it, closely
It makes so much sense and truth to me
I don’t know about you

Photo credit: futurereadysingapore.com

If we are to begin off with the Millennium Development Goals, they were only 8 and ranged from halving extreme poverty and hunger to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education.

Photo credit: ke.undp.org

189 leaders from all over the world took a step at embracing them, back home and getting to usher them into action, swiftly.

Some good progress was made under this regiment of goals that is to say, at least 3 of these goals (extreme poverty, promotion of gender equality and empower women and finally, goal 7 of ensuring environmental sustainability) were scored unevenly across respective continents and countries to the agreed deadline of 2015!

Photo credit: 3blmedia.com

Come 2015, it was agreed and passed that a more holistic approach to sustainability here on earth, would be brought into play
And the famous SDG’s were born then.

Photo credit: accra.sites.unicnetwork.org

I do hope you know about 17 goals
They are a combination of the 8 goals we’ve talked about, above and a further breakdown of the rest of what was left of them prior to the night of the deadline in 2015.
All countries have their own chunk of these goals to score on as well contribute to, in the global wager to attain success on them.

Photo credit: sustyvibes.com

It’s an intergovernmental process…regardless of how wealthy, militarily superior you are, your color, religious beliefs…and all that.

Photo credit: blogs.worldbank.com

Look at your country, back home and where you are now, can you ably say it has scored so well and highly on these goals OR, is it still crawling like the rest of us is?

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