Wandering Mind

It is said…

It is said that if you are poor, you are doomed!


It is said that if you are rich, you have much brighter days ahead of you!


It is said that if you listen to reggae, then you a rebel!


It is said that if you live in a grass thatched house, you are so miserable!


It is said that if you are obedient to the word, then you will enter heaven very easily!


It is said that if you behave like a woman, then you are a sissy!


It is said that all soldiers are killers!


It is said that police and prisons should be abolished!


It is said that 1+1 = 3!


It is said that black and white can never mix!


It is said that we can never bring back the dead, to life!


It is said that we must work hard for the things we want in life!


It is said that consistency keeps the lights running!


It is said that we can’t have day and night at the same time!


It is said that no person can serve two masters at a go!


It is said that rules are created for us!


It is said that you can’t have your cake and eat it!


It is said that some people are incapable of loving!


It is said that we all can’t be equal!


It is said that the life we are living now is just a phase in our journeys!


It is said that we gain more when we become more open-minded!


It is said that it’s uncouth for one to stand on a table!


It is said that as one grows older, the more tolerant they become!


It is said that the global south built the global north!


It is said that….

Photo credit: My Lingua Academy


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