
Relevance of marking the World Drugs Day to me in Uganda.

2 weeks ago,

I was invited to Golden Tulip Hotel in Kampala by the team at UYDEL.

This invitation was to do with a press briefing and stakeholders’ engagement for the World Drugs Day of 2023.



Being a sober person, this invitation was very relevant to me.

At global level, drugs that are abused are everywhere and they have not spared any community, either.

It is just pertinent that we here, are alert and conscious about this subject.



Early as the first bird to awaken,

I made my way to Golden Tulip, meditated for a while before moving into the room that was designated for us.

Personally, I really like the Wi-Fi there; it’s so good (besides the food, of course)!



There were a few speakers that shared with us their knowledge on the subject at hand.

Mr. Rogers Kasirye was among them.

He largely spoke about Uganda’s current situation with drugs…most specifically, narcotics!



Dr. David Basangwa came in next.

He laid out flat the current global situation of drugs.

I must tell you; it is really bad!



There must be some deliberate efforts Uganda is taking, to fight drug abuse.

We had Dr. Brian Sekayombya from our National Drug Authority expound on those.

I am definitely following up these guys, on this issue.



In my opening lines, I spoke of UYDEL, right?

Well, these good people have been around for about 30 years and for all these years,

They have their own interventions for the youth in Kampala slums, that they have implemented!

Incredible, right?



Lastly, came in the drug abuse prevention efforts in Uganda, from the perspective of the NGO’s.

It was shared with us by Mutaawe Rogers.

There are several institutions preventing drug abuse as much as they can.

You can check them out here and donate to them, to support their efforts!



You might be wondering why we are speaking about this subject today.

One reason only: we all suffer and are potentially in danger when one of us is suffering because of drug abuse.



Drug abuse is not limited to your social circle, religion, amount of wealth or even skin colour!

It is something that affects us all and we must learn to do something about it.

Best thing to do is, to prevent abuse of drugs as much as possible, for the sake of everyone!

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