
Getting hotter and wetter with each year that goes by!

Is it just me or is it getting hotter and wetter with each that goes by?

When it shines, it shines with more brutality than ever before.


Photo credit: NY Post


When it falls, it sweeps anything and everything in its way.

(No piece of land or infrastructure on that land is too big to be swept away)


Photo credit: Al Jazeera


Where I am located, I am fortunate enough not to know what a heatwave is.

I am very unfortunate to know what the rains do, in the mountains of the eastern region of this country!


Photo credit: Al Jazeera


The numbers don’t lie.

Neither do they tell the whole story!

Stay on alert, y’all.


~ Is it getting hotter and wetter with each year that goes by? ~


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