I got a question….about our climate that was once quite stable
“Are you taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts?”

The work you are doing
The means you use to get your work done
How long it takes you to get your work done
All of this counts and so much more of the tiny little things

Your action matters because climate change is caused by human activities and is threatening the way we live and the future of our planet!
By addressing climate change, we can build a sustainable world for everyone. But we need to act now. Remember, there’s no PLANET “B” that we shall run to, in the meantime, as we “try to fix our mess” on planet earth or “PLANET A”!

If you must ask, climate-change is affecting everyone, even as we speak.

Severe weather and rising sea levels are affecting people and their property in developed and developing countries. From a small farmer in the Philippines to a businessman in London to a sports personality on the track now, climate change is affecting everyone, especially the poor and vulnerable, as well as marginalized groups like women, children, and the elderly. Think about it for a second.

I hope you still remember how “hot” 2017 and 2016 were, in comparison with the last 50 years, all over the world, huh

If we don’t do something urgently and now, climate change will undo a lot of the progress we’ve made over the past years in development. It can also speed up, as we are already seeing, current threats such as food and water scarcity, which can lead to conflict.
Doing nothing will end up costing us a lot more than if we take actions now that will lead to more jobs, greater prosperity, and better lives for all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building climate resilience.

Is it too late for us to “do something”?
The answer is no. It’s not too late. We can definitely address climate change, but we have to vastly increase our efforts.

The world must transform its energy, industry, transport, food, agriculture and forestry systems to ensure that we can limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees, maybe even 1.5.
We also need to look to the future and be able to anticipate, adapt and become resilient to the current and future impacts of climate change.

In December 2015, the world took a significant first step by adopting the very famous Paris Agreement, in which all countries committed to take action to address climate change. Many businesses and investors are also committing themselves to lower their emissions through the Climate Action Agenda—an effort born at the 2014 Climate Summit in New York to bring governments, businesses and civil society together to embark on new initiatives that promote climate action.

Let’s try so much not to think about it is not in terms of how expensive it will be, but how much we need to invest and what investment opportunities there are to address climate change.
In total, the public- and private-sector investment in clean energy needs to reach at least US$1 trillion per year by 2030, and more to build climate resilience! Allow that sum to sink in for a second….

This sounds like a lot is A LOT OF MONEY! Consider that of the US$1.6 trillion invested in the global energy supply in 2013, nearly 70% was related to fossil fuels, for example.
What’s more is that the estimated costs of reducing on the possible damage do not account for the benefits of reduced climate change.

Investments of only $6 billion disaster risk reduction over the next 15 years would result in total benefits of the $360 billion in terms of avoided losses over the lifetime of the investment.
Aaahhhh…if you love your numbers, there you go!
By acting now, we save lives, money, and avoid setbacks in the progress we have achieved to date.

How about you planting a tree today? How about recycling more of what you have consumed? How about making that sacrifice today, for the inhabitants of planet earth?
It’s such an important post to share. We can all do a little, if not a lot, to contribute to a better environment. Everyday choices such as bringing your own cup and bag versus getting new ones. Reducing meat consumption etc will all add up!
?? indeed, Molina! Thank you.
This is a very important post! We are in urgent need of changes! Thank you for your insight!
Oh yyeeaahhhh! You’re welcome, Holly.
Such an important subject. I don’t understand people who deny or downplay climate change. Of course addressing this issue is good for the planet, but it also makes sense from an economic point of view (because some people can only think in terms of money). Maintaining a healthy planet means lower costs for insurance and to repair the damage left behind these crazy storms.
???? thank you, Colleen
Thank you for addressing the important points of climate change. Some people just think climate = temperature.
?? you’re welcome, Nero
It’s such a significant subject! We’re undoubtedly facing one of the biggest environmental challenges of all times. We’re getting affected every day by climate change in one way or another and we should definitely contribute to a better environment. Thank for sharing the sharing this piece of content.
???? you’re welcome, Arya.
Trust me I will never forget how hot 2016 and 2017 were
?? don’t even mention it!
Great post on a very important subject. I wish that big business would forget about their 300% profit margin and start looking at how they hurt our world. Yes we all can do something to help but until we get the companies who make and produce the product to change we may be in for a very long wait.
???? we must keep reminding them, Tammy. Thank you for sharing.
We daily try to help. Recycling is big in our household.
Nnnniiiccceeee…. I’m so glad to hear that, Gina! ❤️???
Thanks a lot for your insight! This is such an important problem that we all need to consider for changes or we will damage ourselves.
I’m living in Vietnam and our weather is becoming hotter than ever, also polluted.
2016 and 2017’s heat was extremely memorable for me. This is such an important topic. Love that you’re shedding light on it.
???? let’s get to work, then!
Thank you so much for keeping this information at the forefront of our minds and for sharing so much detail. We all need to care more about what we are doing to this environment.
?? so much!
I think we can all agree on one thing. Change needs to happen. I know that many of us are doing little things. I just hope that soon all of us can get on board.
???? for sure!
everyone is aware about climate change, but none takes it seriously. maybe because, we don’t yet to feel at the individual level the effect of it. should we still wait for it to have its full effect on us? this post is really a wake-up call. we must be conscious of our day-to-day action and make sure that we dont contribute and add more harm to the environment…
cha @ littlemisadvencha.com
Yyyeeaahhh…I guess you have a point when it comes to us feeling the impact at individual level. Until we get to that point, we shall keep dilly-dallying around this issue!
This is a topic I feel very strongly about. It makes me very angry to see how climate change is affecting the planet and I am extremely concerned for the future of my child. I wish that people in the US govt would make more of an effort with this instead of going backwards.
?? we really have to do something!
This is such an important cause. I know that Climate Change is not a fiction. It’s a true phenomenon.
Determining if costs outweigh benefits or vice versa is very difficult sometimes. It’s too bad not everything is cut and dry.
ive lived in the desert and in the midwest. weather is so different in those areas. it is changing more than we know, but that does happen. we have to take care of our planet.
?? we just have to do it. Otherwise, we are IN SHIT!!!