How can I advance the rights of women?


  • Give women cash!!! Does this point really need any further explanation?


Photo credit:Β International Fund for Agricultural Development


  • Keep girls and women in school and encourage them to go back there as much as they want! No academic or education qualification is too small or insignificant!
  • How about you holding a torch for women’s economic empowerment? Growing up with Mummy opened my eyes to how important this is!
  • Most importantly, include women in decision-making at all levels. That includes the executive positions everywhere!


Photo credit:Β CTV News Montreal


  • SPEAK OUT! Every time, everywhere. Remember, injustice for one of us is injustice for all of us. After the wolves are through crushing the bones of our girl, they will be coming for us!
  • Besides giving women cash, keep donating all you can. Cash and donations always have something or items they take care of!


Photo credit:Β Panos Pictures


  • How about sharing the workload before you? It can be at home or elsewhere. It can be as simple as crossing the road to buy bread or clean the house!
  • Make as many women as possible know their rights! Keep reminding even those who know them so well! Remember, if you get the back and front of your girl today, a day and time will come when they get yours!


Photo credit:Β SBS


~ What do you think? ~