September 16th to the 23rd,
World over
We get to celebrate the Global Goals
All the wins, failures and future prospects
All of it, in one week, as we sip some tea and grab ourselves some pie and cookies

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The goals are 17, carrying with them 174 sub-targets
And being β€œscored” in over 194 members states of this world
Ranging from ending hunger to working together, as a whole to achieve it and never to see it happen again

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It’s been 2 years since they became a sibling of the Millennium Development Goals or what many prefer to call the MDGs.
I’ve registered some good moments with the goals some failures, as well, too

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But, I resigned myself to do whatever I do, in line with these goals,
At whatever cost
I don’t know about you

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With a very keen focus on goals 3, 5 and 17
For a healthy generation, world, community and mind, can break through the barriers we are having in our world
And together, we get to rewrite the books
Change the narrative, as well

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This is the week, you get to stop for a moment, evaluate yourself, plan for tomorrow and celebrate thereafter, the success of your efforts at the SDGs.