A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Ebirungi Art Exhibition.

This exhibition was held last year, at work (Faces Up Uganda).

As I had told you about everything, this was the second edition of this exhibition and there was a speech that caught my heart and left me with a question on my mind.

It was from Emma.



He, in his speech, talked about our new friends at FAO Uganda who first got to know us, from the works we had on display at the same hotel where we had the second edition of the Ebirungi art exhibition.

They saw our Β exhibition table having some very good looking works of art and made an inquiry to the hotel management, I believe, on who we are.

That’s when they contacted us, for a PARTNERSHIP!



I want you to digest that for a moment.

We were handed an opportunity by the Latitude Hotel to showcase what we do.

We took it up gladly.

Little did we know that the action of β€œcamping” at the Latitude would open up doors bigger and better!



For now, I cannot get into more details of how great this partnership with FAO Uganda is but I would like to leave you a statement of thought;

β€œWherever you can camp, please set up there”.

You never really know who is watching you or who would like to have a chat with you.