Very many years ago, I admired DStv, from a far

Oh yeah….like that one person or thing that catches your eye once and you’re kinda hooked to it, forever

That was me, from then….and now, I guess

With all those monthly TV-programs-guides magazines that were dished out to clients and other interested people


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I loved it all….save for the part where the decoders took forever to start… (hihi)


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So, at home, we managed to hook ourselves up with one of their good decoders, the HD decoder

Mmmaaaahhhhnnnnn…the crisp clear imagery and display….so good!

If you’ve watched TV using the banana pins (just like they are famously called), you do realize that it’s picture-quality isn’t anywhere close to that of the HD decoder for many but one reason

The HD decoder relies on the use of the HDMI cable …. Not sure what it is, in full but I’m guessing it’s “High Definition Multimedia Interface”


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I managed to read through the manual booklet and a particular line in there struck me!

It read, “Digital Satellite Technology is rapidly evolving. As a result of this, it is not possible to predict what the requirements will be in a few years’ time. MultiChoice cannot guarantee that this DStv HD Decoder will be able to run all available services in future”.



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I keenly thought to myself, if the world has come this far with advancement in tech, what tech shall be available at that time, in the future? Shall we even have TV, at all?

Shall we have any cable connections at all?

I’m guessing our generation of convenience has made it possible to have everything we want wireless, if you closely think about it!


Young woman relaxing with smartphone on sofa


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I remember at a certain point in my life, it felt good to have an appliance that run on these famous banana pins that I spoke about

Either as a VCR or a DVD player or a radio-set or a TV set or a game console

It kind of felt like you had an additional-something over so many other people

Nice, right?


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Now, everyone is running to the HDMI end of things

The TV sets being sold now all have this famous “HDMI port” on it for that extra pleasure

While fewer and fewer sets are still in circulation with the “red, white, yellow” pin plug-holes

I don’t even want to go to the part where in some parts of the world, everything is wireless….even the TV sets themselves have all gone wireless


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My mind was tickled greatly by this event

I hope has been shooken as well