
Date 2 was oba how?! (hihi)

Sheraton Hotel is where we went last, this time around….it was more of an alternative choice we worked with since our initial plan of heading to the Golden Tulip Hotel had failed….if you have ever used the β€œnew” road at Acacia Avenue, then you know how these traffic lights are torturing us!

And it turned out great, as always!

See for yourself….





Golden Tulip Hotel had been planned out to be our main venue for the day….

But I must tell you….this thing where two people who have taken ages seeing each other, start talking…everything else will have to fall in line behind them! (Hihi)

The chat is too sweet to β€œpause and play” once it has been started!

The traffic jam ended up pushing us to run back to our safety net – which is the Sheraton Kampala Hotel.






Wama, swim away, littro fish!


Yes yes….as we were saying,

The Carnival, Naguru was the place we both really looked forward to visiting.

The day before we went there, I had made a call to them asking about their working arrangement and the nature of food they served.

For deeper context, I was in search of a place that cooked duck, that entire time and somebody close to me recommended this place.

And I got a response of my life… ”eat till you drop dead”!

You can try guessing what I did next…(haha)



Juliet and I had to confirm with one another about tomorrow at The Carnival…it is this important, when it comes to matters of food, eh!

(Don’t take us to heart when it comes to these things – we goof around a lot and eat like baby dinosaurs!)

So, when the Twitter chat was done, we set off and arrived….a little bit on time for the main event!

Everything was just as they had told us…pay your fee and eat all you must without packing anything! It does not matter if you eat for the remainder of the day or not…




On our table, they came with the starters (salad, green vegetables and wedges with beef sausage and pumpkin soup on the side) first…alongside the two tiny little chimpanzees.

Now, what these little chimpanzees are for, is to indicate whether they should keep serving you food or they should stop.

Once the little chimp is standing on it’s feet, that means, to the waiting team, they should keep on serving you the food…you haven’t yet had your fill of it!

On the other hand, once you lay it down on it’s back, that’s it for everyone….you are signaling to them that you have had your complete fill!

I stopped counting how many rounds of meat we were served…it was that much…we are talking beef, pork, crocodile, chicken.

And that’s when we turned the little chimpanzees on their backs….it was it!




Remember the part where I talk about the breakfast we ate, being a trap? (hihi)

This is where it all fits into place!

CafΓ© Mocca was very generous with us and we blindly followed their lead…with our very generous eating! (haha, rolling on our bellies now!)

Issa trap! (Please don’t you dare do it….desist from what your greedy Mr. Eyes and brain are telling you!)





Date 2 involved a Twitter chat….ah yes! I almost forgot to tell you about that.

So, I do occasionally run a Twitter chat at Faces Up Uganda, the non-profit I work with during the final hour of the morning

And the purpose of this Twitter chat is to get the voices and ideas of as many individuals as possible, on mentorship, role-modeling and their lives or interests in general.

This time around, I decided to host my bestie Nantaba as my guest speaker!

With her, we talked about her enthusiasm for the media, mentorship and role modeling.

In my view, it was a great chat! Very insightful and educative…

I will let you decide otherwise, for yourself!



Breakfast at CafΓ© Mocca….

Wow….what a way to start our date, which was!

We were practically the first people in there….we were that early! (hihi, it is not something we can even try to explain but just know it’s the spirit of adventure dragging us from home as early as 6 in the morning!)

And ordered the same food….beef sausage, Spanish omelet, glass of juice, a cup of tea and potato wedges!

The food is well done but my god, it would turn out to be a very bad trap!

The adventure at The Carnival will explain things better! (hihi)




~ And that is how Date 2 went! (at least, the parts I can remember, for now!)~