In October

I was meeting groups of peer educators

For an evaluation and assessment exercise

On their work and everything

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

Many points were raised from them

To help us understand how better we can serve them

In the next year, on the Get Up Speak Out project

And they serve us better, as well

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

One particular point struck me, though

No no no…

Scratch that….it stung me deep down my heart and throat

“Did you pay me to come here today”?

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

I don’t know if I should say that I was disappointed cause I’m not

Neither can I say that I was happy it was raised cause I was not

Either can I say that I was surprised cause I really wasn’t

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

I guess it comes with the job of interacting with one another that you manage to lower your expectations to zero so that you’re never caught off-guard

A medical officer said this…for today; let’s call this person “our doctor”, alright

Our doctor said this to our peer educators

Simply because they cared enough to remind him of this actual duty

Of valuing human life before their own personal commitments

We were meant to understand that this wasn’t the first time that this was happening…our peer educators confirmed this for us

They had most likely seen and heard worse

That stung….sharply!

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

Any human can only hold on so long with frustration, I know

Context and all…

But surely, was this the way to respond to a well-intended reminder?

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

If we may;

Can we get to remind ourselves as to why we are healthcare providers and not bosses in the room?

Can we remind ourselves of the duty we must bear of serving our people first and foremost before our personal commitments?

Can we always take a look through our code of conduct as healthcare providers?

Can we always ask for help when the lid has gotten full to the brim?

Photo credit: SRHR Alliance Uganda

Yeah….can we do that?