Such a shame that this great series is ending in 2019 after only 3 seasons
Just when you think it is getting much more interesting!
I always hoped this show would get to be around for at least 5 seasons but hey….I am just a fan of it and not the executive producer, right?
Anyways, enough of the sadness tears, let’s roll back
Remember Sunny, The Master, Henry, Veil, Pilgrim, The Witch, Bajie, Nix, Baron Chau, Quinn, Azraa, The Widow, the cogs, the Badlands, the Black Lotus, the sleepers, Emke, Tilda, Lydia, Nathaniel Barnes and so many more?
Each of those names represents something….both on-screen and in our lives, to say but the least

For example, Pilgrim represents impunity and power, Sunny represents fighting for what is truly yours both good and bad, The Widow represents resistance and perseverance amidst all, Lydia represents clarity of mind and reasoning, Bhaarji represents close ties and survival, Henry represents new and fresh beginnings, Emke and Nix represent youth and life in the present, the cogs represent a sense of security and property, the Badlands represent the turmoil and struggle over the vast lands, the Black Lotus represent protection of the world as it is, Azraa represents the promised land that so many generations have always looked for, Nathaniel Barnes represents determination and life after tomorrow …
Set in a world that has been reborn after having lost the one that existed before,
Power and control is what drives majority of the livelihoods here in the Badlands
Territories are divided amongst respective barons and viceroys
With the one that proves to be the strongest of them all taking up as much of the lion’s share as possible
Cogs for labour and transformation
Clippers for security
Land for food, cash crop and territory
Armies for protection and invasion of other territories
Witches, wizards and religion for seeing into the future

Be ready to see some wars and battles, lots of blood, pain and suffering, fighting and compromising, refugee camps, shelters, knives, swords, guns, bullets, slingers, arrows, fire, fortresses, cars, motorbikes, sticks and most of all, everyone as a warrior!
I have grown to love this show, AMC and I seriously hope you do enjoy it, too!
Looks like an interesting show! I will have to look into this, I am always looking for something to stream during my gym workouts!
Aaahhhh….please do… 3 seasons await you!
Into the Badlands is my favorite TV show of all time. it’s a great example of what American action can be when it embraces the stuff we all love about classic Japanese martial arts movies. I was so bummed when it got cancelled, but I was even more bummed when they ended it in a way that showed there was so much more story to tell.
Yyyeeaahhhhh…it was just so sad!
I haven’t seen this show yet! Do we have it on Netflix? It looks really interesting! I hope I can watch the 3 seasons.
Oh yes, it Is!
It’s always sad when a good show ends too soon! I’m sorry you only got 3 seasons. But goodness, it sounds really good.
??? it is!
I’m bummed I hadn’t heard of this show. I would have liked to follow it the past few years. I’m adding it to my watch list now though so I can watch the 3 seasons regardless.
Aaahhhh….please do, Ronnie!
It looks really interesting! Does it also available on Amazon prime? I don’t have NetFlix but would like to watch it .
It iisss…..??
I have not seen this show. It does look interesting. I will let my husband know about it. We’ll have to watch all three seasons together.
??? that’s ggoooddddd
Another series that I haven’t seen that I’m going to have to add to my watch list!
I was asked before by a client for ghostwriting to write about it, and did some research too since I never knew, it existed. I would say, it sounds and looks really interesting and I have read more positive reviews about Into the Badlands. Too bad, it ended already.
Yyyyeeeaaahhhh….so ??
It sounds like an interesting program that would be missed by lots of fans. Maybe it will return someday.
Yyyeeaahhhh….that goes for a whole lot of us. ??
I have not even heard of this show before and now I’m excited for it!
?? please do watch it. You won’t regret it!
I have heard of this show but never watched it, and my friends who watched it always talk about this show. Too bad it only has three seasons.
Hehe….it was such a kick-ass show! ??