Let us remind ourselves of these human rights….SRHR!
Sexual and reproductive health and rights or SRHR is the concept of human rights applied to sexuality and reproduction.
Before this, they were 11
And the year was 1999, took place in Hong Kong
A few revisions were made here and there, of course
Now, we have 16 of them
Having been seriously revised and broadened in March 2014 by the World Association of Sexual Health….aka WAS
You must know, as well, that…
The root for the struggle of attaining and recognizing these rights came from the focus on sexual pleasure and emotional sexual expression!
- The right to equality and non-discrimination.
- The right to life, liberty and security of the person.
- The right to autonomy and bodily integrity.
- The right to be free from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.
- The right to be free from all forms of violence and coercion
- The right to privacy.
- The right to the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual health; with the possibility of pleasurable, satisfying, and safe sexual experiences.
- The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its application.
- The right to information.
- The right to education and the right to comprehensive sexuality education.
- The right to enter, form, and dissolve marriage and similar types of relationships based on equality and full and free consent.
- The right to decide whether to have children, the number and spacing of children, and to have the information and the means to do so.
- The right to the freedom of thought, opinion, and expression.
- The right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.
- The right to participation in public and political life.
- The right to access to justice, remedies, and redress.

Now that you know this, do something before it’s too late!
Always laughing, living, loving and thinking about food. I'm so deeply concerned about health, young people, food and psychology.
Reggae gets me on another level with the way I see life and I enjoy reading.
Oh, wow. I thought the women’s rights situation was bad in the States, but this post actually makes me feel grateful to live in the USA. Please keep fighting for women’s rights in this country!
???? I will.
It is important for all to know and understand their rights. Thanks for sharing!
???? you are welcome, Christine!
We live in dangerous times. I do believe something should really be done to stop violence. Raising awareness for our rights and fighting to uphold them is a very important matter.
For sure!
It is great to read posts like this that brings awareness to what’s happening around the world. Let’s use our rights for a good cause!
? for sure!
This is an eye opening article. Thanks for sharing it. I’ll read it again with my friends later.
???? I appreciate it so much.
Interesting political commentary.
Not sure of it.
???? the world needs to know!
Thank you for sharing the rights as they are in your country. It is important people know what rights they have or don’t have.
???? you are welcome. Actually, these rights are for the entire world and everyone, Brianne!
I am so grateful to live in the USA. Keep fighting for your rights.
?? I will, Shannon
There is so much to the human emotional. People can be very ignorant of that.
Yyyeeaaahhhhh….so many people assume sexual rights are forged or not human rights and yet, they are!
your the real deal man
keep on fighting for what’s right champ
???? thank you for appreciating!
The right to personal freedom of expression is a basic human and constitutional right and it is far reaching. Yet, every day across the globe that basic right is challenged and thwarted. We can all do our part to correct the problem but, the work must begin in our homes; what we learn, what we think, and what we teach our children matter. Inclusiveness is imperative… Governments can pass legislation but we can’t legislate peoples thinking.
It’s important for us all to have equal rights. Thanks for sharing.
???? you are welcome, Heather!
We are all human and we must have equal rights irrespective of which part of the world we stay. And we must fight for our rights when the need arises.
??? surely!
This is so informative, all these rights are really basic needs. You’ve come a long way, and though things are changing, it’s not nearly as fast as the world is revolving. Keep fighting.
✊?✊? I will, Xolo! ?