Fairly Legal
How is something fair, in legal terms Or in the “legal world”? To become “Fairly Legal“? Photo credit: https://www.wunschliste.de/tvnews/m/vox-setzt-us-serie-fairly-legal-nahtlos-fort Who…
“Hey, STOP! JUST STOP! RIGHT THERE!!! Stop with what you are doing, right now! And do exactly as I am…
As Technology Advances, Are You?
At one point in time, all we had were our limbs and brain Then, a time came and tiny pieces…
Queen Sono
Who was Safiya Azzad Sono? I wonder….she must have been a really great human being!!! We know who Queen Sono…
Narcos Mexico
The name Mexico Does it ring a bell? How about “Narcos”? How about Escobar? Or “Juan Pablo Gaviria Escobar”? Aaahhhh…….
Getting Richer or Poorer – Which Are You?
Getting richer Getting poorer Paying all your taxes Paying all your taxes Confiscate your workers’ documents Confiscate your…
Medical Police
This might be a good one for anyone that Loves Netflix Enjoys watching medical shows Loves laughing and their comedies…
The Spy
Have you heard of this show called, “The Spy”? It is a mini-series….first of a kind I have heard of,…
Too Informed For Life?
Have you been in a situation where you are left with wishing you had known about something, earlier or not?…
Work Without Pay; What If They All Quit?
Depending on the prevailing agreement and arrangement you have with (y)our house-help at home, There are particular jobs, broken down…
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