Dearest sweetheart,


How are you doing? I miss you. It has been so long since I last heard from you. Your Daddy and I are always wondering what happened to you. Did you receive our last letter that we sent you?


We won’t say we are doing so badly here given what has happened at home during this time. Allow us give you an update on that…. The car was fully repaired and is back on the road, Uncle Timmy is almost leaving jail (the court decided to give him a lenient sentence), your Mama cries herself to sleep most of the time and I don’t know how I can help ease the pain, the chickens have grown so much bigger and Naomi hatched 3 other little ones, the farm is looking more radiant than ever! Aggie is always asking about you, too.

Remember the little tiny pumpkins that were on the other end of the land? Yeah? They have grown so much bigger now and any second from now, we will be harvesting them. The same goes for the cabbages! When you return, I will make you that nice salad you love so much, hhmmmm.


My daughter, Mummy misses you sssoooo much! No matter what happened, you must know that you are the apple of her eye and that won’t be changing any time soon. As a matter of fact, your absence from home has taught us one thing, “be grateful for what you have in your life before life teaches you to love what you have lost”. If only we knew better at the time….


I am sorry, pumpkin.


I love you so much.


Kisses and hugs,
