β€œDearest Daddy,

It’s the day today…..the one that we talked about so much, when I was still your girl, that wouldn’t let out of your sight
Your little baby that could run and sit on Daddy’s lap and tell him what was on my mind, without having to think twice
Your little princess that you wanted to get her own prince that would treat her right, just like she deserves
Well, I guess she grew up now, so fast….uuuhhhhmmmmm….
And met a very cute guy, Dax, that blew her mind and convinced her that he was her best bet to live through her olden days through, with.
I’m married now….that is, by the time you read this
If wishes were horses, I’m certain you could be, right here, on the front row, smiling so proudly as you give me away to my love, Dax, just as we used to imagine and talk about it
But I guess our plans didn’t merge and reconcile so well….somebody at sea needed you, for their life depended on it, to have them pulled up and towed in your boat
I know, for sure, that you’re the one person I’m soooo proud of….
For your selflessness and β€œnever-give-up” of getting to see that everybody makes it ashore, in one piece
That’s the thing that I love and admire the most about you
All the years you’ve spent
At sea, saving people that are too knocked out to figure it out that they are drowning to their graves
With me, anxiously waiting back home
In the living room
On the TV set
With the remote hanging by a thread in my shaking hand

Photo credit: theintercept.com

Mummy, Elsa and Uncle John are more nervous than I am, on most occasions
Even when they try so much to keep calm for my sake
You know, sometimes I do burst out in tears, when watching these flicks of these heroes like you that give their lives to save others, their families, generations
I just can’t wait for them to return safely back shore, to their loved ones, as well.
Hhhhmmmmmm…. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the daughter of a sea hero, huh?

MOAS rescue 105 migrants in rubber dinghy
Photo: Darrin Zammit Lupi/MOAS
Photo credit: msf.org

Ooohhhh…..you can’t imagine how bad I wanted to tell you all this, in person, Daddy
After all these days
Just seeing each other and talking on Skype
To have that opportunity of being with my two biggest loves of men, in my life, hand in hand
If it were up to me, I could just have our wedding at sea, with you and the rest of the crew, as our witnesses… (hihi….)
Photo credit: racked.com

I will have to end here with my love for you, Daddy
Dax’s been screaming out for me, to come check out the cake…..
Gosh, I love you two….

Photo credit: commons.wikimedia.com

Better head back to the top
Look out in the ocean and the smaller boats out there
I’m sure somebody else, out there, needs you at this moment, Daddy
I love you sssooooo much