I say we need to abolish prison.


I am never told the actual figure of funds needed to take care of just one prisoner….or even an estimate of it!

When I say β€œcare”, I am talking about their upkeep, health, social, economic financial care!


Photo credit:Β Prison Policy Initiative


Prisons need to be abolished!


Because prison focuses entirely on punishment and putting actual human beings into institutions!

Which we all, by now have discovered that it never ends well.

Many people that have been imprisoned before, actually get back into the β€œfree world” marked as ex-convicts and do exactly what had them sent to prison for or worse simply for being labelled and stigmatised!


Photo credit:Β The Marshall Project


No prison should exist in this world today.


Many of the people in there cannot afford legal representation!

Do I need to add anything to that or you can picture it out, for yourself?


Christopher Serju Photo
Fort Augusta
Students respond to a question from Correctional Officer/teacher Ethel Morgan during an English Language class at the Fort Augusta Adult Correctional Centre in St. Catherine.


Do you remember the global financial crisis of 2008?

I do….I do not remember seeing or hearing about ANY(not even one) of the real thugs who took down the world’s money with them ever being jailed!

Why should prisons exist when people like those are still roaming in the world out there, huh?

It is either we jail every single criminal out there or do not jail any one of them, sawa?


web_Banking crash legacy


Do not even get me started on the number of truly innocent people that are rotting in prison, all over the world.

For whatever reasons, they have been in there for so much longer than they should have and now, their world is completely shattered!

By that, I mean their world has been shattered mentally, socially, economically and spiritually!


Photo credit:Β Sydney Criminal Lawyers


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that so many people put their signature to, clearly speaks out against slavery, a very vital component through which prison thrives.

When you are imprisoned, you are most likely going to be oppressed, repressed and tortured….all of which go against the principles of this globally known declaration!

Asking why we should abolish prison?

There is a good reason why!


Photo credit:Β International Business Times UK


We need to abolish prison.

We must abolish prison.

We have to do away with prison.


Photo credit:Β International Committee of the Red Cross