Earlier this week,

In the Sipi region of Uganda,

A woman shoved her partner down, who must have landed on a dangerous spot and died enroute to good medical care.



Photo credit:Β Daily Monitor


Because the man (borrowed) took the woman’s savings totaling up to 200,000 Uganda shillings, to finance his drinking habit.

This money was received from the SACCO, and it was meant to facilitate the children’s school dues!

When the lady moved in to ask for what was rightfully hers,

She was met with excuses and pleas of mercy as the man sought for more time to pay back the money.


Photo credit:Β New Vision


Now, if you have been Ugandan long enough,

You are familiar with the hardships we go through and certainly, you wouldn’t want anyone to β€œplay” around with your money like that.

(I use the word β€œplay” figuratively).

I am guessing these two individuals got into a physical fight and that’s when the woman shoved the man away from her sight!


Take a moment to think about that real-life story I’ve just narrated to you.

I want you to imagine a life or a moment where the deceased man hadn’t consumed alcohol at all; would all those things have happened?


One person’s alcohol consumption habit gets to involve the respective society members.

Tragedy happens; the police now get involved.

Before you know it, the media has caught wind of it and now, the whole world can know about it, in a heartbeat of a second!


One way or the other,

Alcohol is harming us all; directly and indirectly!

Men, women, children, the elderly, the poor and the rich!

We are all victims of it until we put up the fight of our lives against it!