For 7 years now,

The CW has time and again

Brought to our attention

This kick-ass team of vigilantes

You might want to call them “change advocates”!

And how they have brought back some lost glory and order to the Glades

They have lived their lives in the shadows of their parents and those that came before them

Only to discover that what they knew about them wasn’t true at all

There were lots of tears, sweat, blood and laughter

Thing is, it was all a lie

A cover-up, if you will

A total sham in the eyes of honesty

And so, they took it upon themselves to re-write their wrongs

Do better

Bring all the criminals known to them and not to justice

To restore the pride and glory of their city, the Glades

The actual work on this “small project” started with a high-flying Oliver Queen

Always all over the place

Shooting arrows from his ridiculously amazing bow

And putting down all those that cross his path with his ninja skills

Rich boy Olly returns from some island to the main-land at Queen Consolidated

Ready to begin on his mission

That his father left him just before he passed on, at sea in The Queens’ Gambit

They were at sea together with him and his boat captain

When the storm took them out

Back home, Olly’s mother, ….has a lot in stock for his son

Once he returns to them

He has to take over at Queen Consolidated now that his father “is gone”

He has to be the man in the house and take care of his mother and sister

He has to be the shining image of what the Queens’ stand for!

For a guy that has just returned after 5 years on an island, that’s quite a lot, right?

I mean, he has plans of his own, right?

Got to catch up on the latest TV shows, the latest luxuries, long-lost friends and relationships and so on….

He comes with his tool-box

With everything in it he needs for his mission

Arrows, bow, leather uniform, medicines, ledger containing names and lists, his shoes…

Gets in his room and his plotting begins….

In the beginning, Olly does everything himself….from plotting and strategy to comms and overwatch to execution

But soon learns that the journey ahead will be a much longer one if he is to carry on like this

He needs a team and soon puts together one

He gets his first team-member, John Diggle or as he affectionately calls him, Digg

Diggle is his Oliver’s assigned bodyguard….he has quite a lot of military experience as a marine and Spec-Ops.

Perfect for the job, right? You think?

Very soon comes a very good computer hacker named Felicity Smoak

That lightens the job at hand by more than half

By being over-watch, a close confidante, a baby-sitter if you will, a friend, a comrade, an advisor

One might ask how she’s able to do all this….the answer lies in the 45 minutes of every episode you will watch of the show

And I guess that’s one of the main reasons as to why they fall in love much quicker than they realized

It’s so sad that her fire in the Glades was put out for good this time.

Over the years, many more individuals are brought on the team like Olly’s sister, her boyfriend Roy, Ramirez, Dana, Felicity’s hacker friend….among others

And they step up to the task at hand

I tell you, it’s quite a sight to watch them all in action

Taking on all these bad guys

I will warn you, though….

Once you start on it, you just might not get time to do any other thing

It’s quite an exciting show with lots to teach you about honour and culture

And with lots of graphic-content

Lots of affection and love

Lots of cat-and-mouse games in it

I hope you love it!