Before we even get to talk about this whole thing called

Bluff City Law, I must make a confession!

I, for one, don’t watch law-centred shows!

I do not know what got me to watch this show, to be honest

I cannot even tell if it was just its trailer on YouTube

That I got to enjoy so much

Or simply, my love for adventure in the world of shows….

I do not know!


Here is why….


  1. Whoever picked the characters for this show did a marvellous job. I mean, look at Della, for example, or Jake, for that matter…. Elijah is another…. Sydney…I get short of words every single time I see her, Bri….the perfect friend everyone could ask for, Anthony…the one person who says things in the right time that nobody expects to hear, Emerson….the one person that always gets caught in the cross-fire of a war they weren’t a part of and finally, we got Robbie….who never backs down from a chance to do the right thing.
BLUFF CITY LAW — “Pilot” Episode 101 — Pictured: (l-r) Jayne Atkinson as Della Bedford, Jimmy Smits as Elijah Strait — (Photo by Jake Giles Netter/NBC)
  1. Caroline Strait….she must be a remarkably wonderful woman. When you watch this show, it’s like she was playing chess as she lived her life. Carefully, picking out which piece goes where and for what purpose. I hope to see her some day.

  1. Sydney’s way of doing things…is more like having sweet-sour dinner. On one end, she is very compassionate and on the other, very ruthless. That said, are you ever surprised by her or what happens in her life, in the court-rooms?

  1. The dedication Elijah has in him once he has made up his mind to take on your case.

  1. How “bluffs” are ironically used in the court-room to get the win.

  1. The show always keeps on reminding me to never forget where I came from….love!

  1. How the show advocates for social change in both small and big ways

  1. The show teaches me that winning or losing means everything, every single time

  1. Bluff City Law teaches me to do the right thing and most of all, the one that will benefit us all.

  1. Once we choose to work together, we stand much higher chances of achieving what we set out to achieve.

  • Most of all, it shows me a bit, how the court works and the respect it is to be accorded.

~ Do watch it. Do you like it as I do? ~