There’s discretion
There are societal demands and tolerances
There’s what is socially acceptable and not

Photo credit: Reach A Hand Uganda

But does this mean that we must hide the plain truth, before our eyes?
Just to please everyone else
Or a few privileged people that don’t want to be smeared with our dirt

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Our dirt of our small and uncouth minds and mouths
Where we speak our mind, freely, without the intent or hidden motive of hurting any body
For we are just looking to correct the wrongs done by those that have come before us and with us

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We’ve asked many times to have a sit down with them about sex
And get to have their perspective on this veeelllliiiii intulesitingi issue that has affected us, in more ways than they can imagine
Naye wwwaaaa….it looks like no one is bending their ears to our level
Β Junior-during-outdoor-engagment-2
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I bet that you were sent to live with your ssengaz when you begin speaking such big words
Or you were bundled up straight to your uncles and Jjaajaz
Who won’t have a problem responding to you, as far as your questions go!!!!

African countryside
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I recall the very first time I asked Daddy what that long thing that was hanging down from his black area in the middle was
Mmmeeehhhnnnnn….. I had never seen the guy this bitter and on fire
He literally wanted to lift the house off the ground in utter disbelief and anger
For asking a question like that

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Can you imagine how I felt? And other very young people like me, innocent as we are, at that time?

When I look back at such times, I understand why many of us have grown up in the darkness about sex
I say this because of the numerous reasons that have come up, with the years I’ve lived and managed to research in-depth about sex
Many of our parents keep insisting that they can’t give away something they didn’t receive while growing up

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Others say that their family name shall be tarnished when they hear me asking such stupid questions
Some others say that sex in Africa, is a matter that is only addressed in the bedroom and not anywhere else
There’s one that always beats my understanding…. Sex is only for adults
Which makes me wonder….who these adults, in question, are!

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Are they my age-mates, classmates, guys I grew up admiring back at our small place?
Who, really, are these people?
They must be some geniuses of some sorts!
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My problem comes in with the teenage pregnancies and the STDs and STIs
These two individuals show that we have a much larger problem at hand, than we think we do
See…..times have changed so much that you can literally have sex at any time, with anybody and you’ll be cool
This is because of very many reasons, though

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If X won’t have sex with me, chances are that my head won’t be in the right place at that time and I will find an alternative
Is it a safe one, I don’t know!
But then, how about you, Mummy and Daddy sit me down and tell me what’s up
Make the effort or else……