Small and light vehicles

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Passing over the railway tracks
In a fit of rage
The β€œengines” revving and screaming for way through

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The pedestrians attempting to cross roads from any spot on the road that’s looking unattended to
The cyclists doing the same…difference is that some of them have β€œfierce” sounds coming out of their engines.

So, let’s imagine what happens when all these road users decide to claim the β€œright of way”, at the same time
Isn’t somebody bound to get himself killed or disfigured for the rest of their life?

SafeBoda motorbike taxi in Uganda
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I get to see this happen every day in my life and truth is, it’s a shame
Seeing all these people β€œget lost in the moment” to put themselves in danger


I think we need the spirit of β€œservice above self” to return to us, don’t you think so?
Or for my sake, I beg you to remain calm, when using the road.