There’s me
There’s my neighbour
There’s my parents
There’s my parents at school
There’s my teachers at school
There’s my peers on street
There’s my peers out of school
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There’s my pastor…
There’s my transport person
There’s my local council chairperson
There’s my county sheriff
There’s my news chief
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Most of all, there’s my mp
Then, there’s my house of commons and senate
There’s my cabinet of ministers
There’s my office of the presidency
There’s the first family
Top-most, there’s my president
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As mentioned above, there’s all of us
And then, there’s an education of a sexuality-type, which is comprehensive
To guide you in understanding better what I mean by sexuality, break off the first three letters of the word sexuality = sex
Then, think about any issue or topic that comes in contact with sex
Done that?
That’s what I mean.
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So, I get to ask you….having identified and known these issues or topics that come in contact with sex, which one are you responsible for?
And c’mon…..don’t tell me none! There’s gotta be one there, somewhere.