My highlight of this week took place on Friday, while in Entebbe.

I was at work with “UAPA” and we were at a workshop with Members of Parliament, to do with regulation measures against alcohol harm in Uganda.

This is where I met Joselyn, someone I know from earlier days at Faces Up Uganda.



As we were at the tea-break,

She called me to where she was sited and said something to me, that just made my day so much better than it was.

Here goes….


Back then, I used to tell Joselyn about living sober and alcohol-free.

She tells me that she found what I was telling her, to be crap!

That didn’t discourage me from telling her about this way of living.


Currently, I am 9 years alcohol-free and if the math is right,

I must have been 6 years sober at that time, when Joselyn decided to give a sober life, a try.

Guess what? She must have liked living this way because she hasn’t looked back since!


Furthermore, she said that a lot has happened since and wouldn’t want to live her life that way again.

I want you to take a moment to process all this, like I did.


If you had asked me that time, if I could inspire Joselyn to change her lifestyle,

I would have laughed at you, so hard!

She isn’t alone in this; so many people feel they can’t live their lives alcohol-free, which isn’t true at all!


Am I glad I said those words to Joselyn?

Absolutely yes, I am!


Am I delighted about my actions?

Yes, I am.


Given the chance to convince you to live an alcohol-free life, would I take it?

Without a doubt.

We can even start now if you like!


What has been your highlight of the week?