Too Respectful To Speak
A few weeks back, I was watching a #Witness documentary on Al-Jazeera about the rugby-playing women of Samoa On YouTube….I…
Queen Sono
Who was Safiya Azzad Sono? I wonder….she must have been a really great human being!!! We know who Queen Sono…
Medical Police
This might be a good one for anyone that Loves Netflix Enjoys watching medical shows Loves laughing and their comedies…
Spanking; Drop That Cain Now!!!
I hate spanking I hate seeing someone being spanked Or even an animal, for that matter… I wonder why we…
From Kisoko to the World
It is said that if you want something to be seen all over the world, then Facebook is the very…
Work Without Pay; What If They All Quit?
Depending on the prevailing agreement and arrangement you have with (y)our house-help at home, There are particular jobs, broken down…
Lincoln Rhyme
Are you law-enforcement? Are you retired law-enforcement? Are you family of law-enforcement? Are you family of retired law-enforcement? Then, I…
The Punisher
What a loss this was! I am only knowing of this now That Punisher ….my “Punisher” Was cancelled!!!! The way…
Mindful Conversations
2019…the 8th day of March Is when I can vividly remember Having heard of the name “Hazel” from our “supervisor”…
Gangs of London
CINEMAX has struck again This time around….with much more vulgar scenes of action, revenge, love, betrayal, power and control, lust…
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