β€œI will have done that by Thursday morning, next week”

This story is told and re-told every single day

With a more β€œre-assuring” tone than the one used yesterday

Come that Thursday morning, you haven’t even done a quarter of what you committed yourself to have done, by then!

Photo credit:Β TMB Main


Some people will say you are lazy

Others will say that you’ve been too β€œeasy” on yourself

Some other ones will say you have been β€œjoking around”

I say you procrastinated!

What do you say?

How are you feeling now that you have missed the deadline you set for yourself?

Good news is that procrastination isn’t so bad, after all

Sometimes you want to get done with something so badly that you don’t see any other way it can be done away with

And yet, if you just gave it all a second more, you could have found that β€œmagical spark”

Which could even get you discover a much better and sustainable way around your dilemma!

Bad news is that procrastination can be highly addictive

Which can lead to being β€œstagnant” in one’s life and ways

Making commitments and never fulfilling any of them….that kind of stagnant, you know!

On the brighter side, there is a prescription

Of instructions

That could be tried out

For a (much) better change, hhmmm!

  1. Get to know your goal
  2. Identify the steps (big and small) you will need to take to achieve your goal.
  3. Break down these steps you have identified. Possibly, choose the best day and time you want to begin on your endeavour of achieving your utmost goal!
  4. Of all these steps you have identified, which is the easiest for you to take, right now? Start with that one!
  5. Slowly work your way with the rest of the steps you identified until you achieve your goals.

How are we doing so far?

Are we still on the right track?

Is the β€œjob” done?

How was this whole experience?

~ Next time, don’t get stuck with yourself! You have what it takes to do this! ~