Pay keen attention to the sports women participate in!
The on-going FIFA Women’s World Cup isn’t an isolated case. Neither is the Netball World Cup, that ended yesterday! We…
Women and the things that exclude them….
“Women have so much devotion for things that exclude them. can never be a priest. can never be an imam….
Relationship anxiety – The never ending battle for many!
Hello hello, I carry season greetings from the fraternity of psychology. They have missed you, like I have. How are…
Dismantle the patriarchy!
To dismantle the patriarchy is to understand that The patriarchy is the overwhelming domination by men in both public and…
The Selecao
If I am to recall to the best of the knowledge, 2002 was the year I started supporting Brazil by…
Work Without Pay; What If They All Quit?
Depending on the prevailing agreement and arrangement you have with (y)our house-help at home, There are particular jobs, broken down…
My way or my way
Aka “Intolerance” or “Tolerance” What is that point that you can’t go past When it comes to tolerating? What…
Leadership, governance Community awareness Substantive change Sharp eyes, negotiation Interdependency, power and accountability In those areas mentioned above, women have…
School me longer!
Do you believe more schooled girl-children turn out to be more all-round, attached and focused world-citizens? Photo credit: Personally,…
Call a penis a penis and a vagina a vagina
There’s discretion There are societal demands and tolerances There’s what is socially acceptable and not Photo credit: Reach A Hand…
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