This past week, I was part of the national mental health conference of Uganda.

For a while, I heard of this conference but somehow missed out on it.

I was with UAPA this time around.


Photo credit: AVSI Uganda


For the most part,

I was behind my computer and camera documenting various moments as they happened, right from day 1 to day 3.



I had been told earlier that it’s a bit scientific and technical a conference but I didn’t find this the case….I guess being a psychologist came in handy, as well.

The theme queried us all on the following, “how we can strengthen collaboration and partnership for better mental health services in Uganda” with a focus on emergencies, the law and learning institutions.



Given how we live in Uganda,

I am one of those people who believe should be held twice a year!

Why? Look at the next paragraph, with an extra set of eyes….



Have you looked at our alcohol consumption?

Have you paid attention to how many people we lose to suicide?

Have you looked at our general spending power?

Have you investigated how many mental health professionals and associates we have in the country?

How many of us have spoken about how we are, truly?

How many of us can tell that someone is genuinely sad no matter how much they try to hide it?



We truly need help.

And when I say “we”, I mean every Ugandan regardless of your current location.

Being a part of this conference, got me in contact with all kinds of people working towards provision and seeking of better mental health services in the country.



I applaud whoever made this conference possible.

Everything I loved including those moments where we got playful; I mean, what is work without play, in a mental health setting?

The conference of 2025; I look forward to it!