Be warned….it’s a HORROR STORY!
Made of vampire-like beings that have this long tongue that they use to suck out your blood!!!
And they leave small tiny looking worms coming out of your eyes and skin!!!
You know how you go about your day
Working at the “CDC”, exterminating rats, riding with the gang, hacking the internet, wrestling, representing your district at the council
And then now, you are forced to fight for your life and what is left of it?
Yeah…think about that!

CR: Michael Muller/FX
In here, you will Dr. Ephraim Goodweather.
He is the head of the Centre for Disease Control’s New York-based Canary Project.
It’s this same guy who is called upon to investigate an aeroplane landing wherein everyone aboard is dead!
What his team discovers is a viral outbreak that has similarities to an ancient strain of vampirism!!!!!!!!
The virus begins to spread and Goodweather has to work with his team and a group of the city’s residents to wage a war on these vampires to save humanity or what’s left of it, at least.
Somewhere in there, you will look forward to the war between Professor Abraham Setrakian and The Master
Where The Master has this thing he does often where he “hosts himself” in the bodies of other people
Like Eldritch Palmer, Thomas Eichhorst, Gabriel Bolivar

CR: Michael Gibson/FX
Professor is determined to end The Master
Even if it means eliminating his friends along the way!
Also, how many shows have you heard of in the past
That has had so much impact on their viewers, in the form of a poster?
The Strain is one of them….there is a particular poster that was circulated around on billboards where a couple of the worms I talked about were oozing out of their host’s eye
Yyyeeaahhhh….that one!
So many people complained about “it” being too graphic and FX was forced to “put it down”!
This was one great show if you ask me.
This sounds scary! So think I would be to scared to watch this.
Hihi….maybe! So many people actually stopped watching the show in its debut season.
I loved this show! I watched every episode. So good!
?? nnniiccceeeee!
I have never heard of The Strain but I love anything with a horror theme. I will be sure to check it out.
?? for sure. You’ll love it, Marcie!
I am not into horror genre and this definitely looks next level. Will suggest to my friends.
?? they’ll love it!!!
I just don’t do horror. I don’t like to be scared.
Aaaahhhh…that’s a shame!
Although horror themed shows are not my favorite genre, I still find it entertaining to watch a few every now and then. The Strain sounds interesting. My husband and my children would love this. I’d be the one screaming my lungs out and they’ll think I’ve gone nuts. Haha.
??? alright Eileen! If you say so.
yucky. the projectile definitely turned me off but that’s good. it’s good that you covered the wide gambit of what you can expect from the show. thank you.
?? you’re welcome.
I started watching this when it first came on but I did stop because they started moving the show around on the schedule. I would like to stream it one day to see what the fuss was about!
?? you won’t regret it!
that’s a show that my boyfriend would love. i will have to show this to him
?? I’m sure he’ll love it.
The worm in the eye thing has me 100% out ?. Just can’t! But I think horror lovers will enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!
?? you’re welcome.
This looks a bit scary and disturbing but I hope to watch it soon. Looks so spooky! Wow!
?? it iiisssss!