One look at a young person and all you see, is amateurism of some sort
I guess you have lived your days out
And you feel you’ve seen it all, right?

Businesswoman sleeping at desk
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Save, unless for those moments when a fellow senior citizen crosses your path and you draw back all those good memories of your days!

I think we all under-estimate life, in itself and as a process
A section of us believe life is an illusion
Others believe whatever we see happening now, managed to happen some many years ago
Others believe this life we are living is unique in its own right…

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I got a question….do you agree that possibly; you’ve been living your life on a lie that you’ve to come believe and pass unto generations?
Because truthfully, there’s tonnes of stuff out there that we don’t know about
And possibly won’t ever get to know about simply because we are too closed-off in our minds about the little we know
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If you take keen notice, there’s something out there, for you to interact with and learn from or about
Be it something you believe in or not
Or something you dislike and loathe
Or something you’ve just discovered a short while, back….

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One thing is for sure; just like truth…you aren’t too old to learn something
And this offer, is only for those that are ready and willing to take that step into the unknown.