β€œPrisons should be abolished!”

β€œNobody deserves to be in prison!”

β€œWhy should prisons exist in the first place?”


All these statements above are my own and are not mentioned anywhere in what you are about to see from here on out.

You are about to read about what I think about Mayor Of Kingstown.


Photo credit:Β MARCA


Mayor Of Kingstown is a television show circling around the prison system and culture in America.

The show is set in the town of Kingstown in Michigan….(please don’t go looking around on the map for it since it doesn’t really exist!) and has the McLusky family right in the middle of its control.

The McLuskys’ are a family of power who broker what they have got between police, criminals, inmates, prison guards and politicians alike.


Photo credit:Β TV Insider


Now, a mixture of β€œpopo + criminals + inmates + prison guards + politicians” is like putting a C4 bomb together with a tonne of other C4!

That will be a very loud and dangerous bomb!

That is what happens on the show….everything from systemic racism to stinking corruption and inequality prevail on the show.

In the end of season 1, so many people lose out in different ways as the men’s prison is run down by the inmates to the point when the National Guard is quickly mobilized to step in and restore some order in there….leaving a blood bath of a massacre of non-white inmates and a very dangerous inmate on the loose.


Photo credit:Β IMDb


As you get to meet the respective characters, you will realise each and every one of them has a specific purpose they play in this systemic mess.


Photo credit:Β DVR Podcast Network


Iris is a young girl that is often in time used and dumped by whoever can afford her but mostly, Milo. It is only until she runs away with Mike that we do get to see her live a little…away from all the chaos and violence of Kingstown!


Photo credit:Β Sioux City Journal


Mitch is one of the mysterious characters on the Mayor Of Kingstown. We did not get to see a lot of him on the show. His death paved the way for so many other characters on the show to get into the folds and wraps of the power struggle the entire Kingstown is in.


Photo credit:Β Entertainment Weekly


Mike is what you can call a β€œfixer”. He knows everybody that can make some change in the entire town or even just in a specific community. He will β€œdo you a favour” as he plays chess with the rest of the characters on the show.


Photo credit:Β Digital Mafia Talkies


Ian is one of the detectives at the Michigan Police department and is one of the corrupt ones.


Photo credit:Β Black Girl Nerds


Rebecca is Mike’s secretary at the office. If you need to meet Mike or understand him, she is the one person who will do just that.


Photo credit:Β Distractify


Evelyn is the assistant District Attorney that works closely with the police department. As you can see for yourself, this whole crime-solving ring is hugely infested with boys and she has to tussle her way up there to make her mark.


Photo credit:Β The Cinemaholic


Miriam is the matriarch of what remains of the McLusky family. After the death of Mitch, she takes over the care of the entire family and its business running the prison complex of Kingstown. She is also a counsellor and teacher at the women’s prison.


Pictured: Dianne Weist as Mariam of the Paramount+ series MAYOR OF KINGSTOWN. Photo Cr: Emerson Miller ViacomCBS Β©2021 Paramount+, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Kyle is the youngest of the McLusky brothers and is a cop, too. He is the most conflicted character I saw in season 1 and often in time, his indecisiveness will land him in trouble!


Photo credit:Β Bingxo


Milo…Milo….Milo! This is the one person you do not want to cross. It is no wonder that he has spent a lifetime in jail for a very grave series of murder he committed and as you will see at the end of season 1, he escapes free from the jail without anybody noticing. I wonder what he is going to do to people like Mike, hhhmmm….


Photo credit:Β Screen Rant


Kareem is the lead prison guard at the men’s prison. That goes without say that he is among the corrupt running all these different schemes and power plays in the jail.


Credit:Β Tenor


Robert is the team leader of the police SWAT Unit of the Michigan Police Department. He is very close with the McLuskys’ and is very ruthless at his job.


Pictured: Hamish Allan-Headley as Robert and Taylor Handley as Kyle of the Paramount+ series MAYOR OF KINGSTOWN. Photo Cr: Emerson Miller/Paramount+ Β©2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Bunny is a drug-dealer in the projects and has ties to Mike and his crew that was incarcerated at the men’s prison. If you ever need information on anything happening on his ground, he surely knows something.


Photo credit:Β WhatToWatch


Tracy is the wife to Kyle. Throughout season 1, she is among the few reasons of voice that constantly speak to Kyle….with the other being Miriam, his mother.


Photo credit:Β Bleeding Cool


P-Dog is a straight up killer! Dude is watched very closely by every prison guard that comes across him, throughout the show’s debut season. He is a person of his word and should you break yours with him, you are in for it! You would not want to cross somebody like him, would you?


Photo credit:Β CBR


Stevie is a detective at the police department, very close with the McLusky’s, of course. You can guess where that closeness leads to, right?


Photo credit:Β Vague Visages


Duke is one of the numerous gang criminals lurking around in Kingstown. He tries his luck at grabbing the power ropes in the town but ends up on the losing end of things, all the time.


Photo credit:Β Reel Mockery


Ed is the second-in-command at the men’s prison. He closely coordinates the activities that take place in the jailhouse with everyone else on the outside. I would say he does an excellent job being corrupt!


Photo credit:Β The Cinemaholic


Brace yourself for this Mayor Of Kingstown….that’s all I can say!