Well well….we are going to talk some psychology today!

Specifically, something in social psychology that I like calling β€œde-individualisation” and yet, it’s actual name is β€œdeindividuation”!

Are we ready?


Photo credit:Β ThoughtCo


De-individualisation aka deindividuation is that state when you become so immersed in the norms of the group that you lose your sense of identity and personal responsibility. (this is at least, according to simplypsychology.org)

In simpler terms, an individual loses their sense of self or lets go of their individual responsibility for actions and sees behavior as a consequence of group norms and expectations!


Photo credit:Β Leadership by Anthony Boyd


To paint you a more vivid picture,

Have you seen people in that moment when they are at a music concert?

In those moments or moment when they are punching and throwing their arms in the air and frantically bobbing their head away or singing passionately along to the music that is playing in the presence of hundreds of people?


Photo credit:Β Mbu


Yet, this is not something they would ordinarily do, if they were alone?

Alternatively, have you seen how individuals conduct themselves in violent mobs where they damage and loot property, hurl insults, become reckless and display different behaviour when they are all alone?

Now, that is when we say that someone is undergoing deindividuation or is deindividualised!


Photo credit:Β Quora


Hold your tongue and wobbling eyes right there….

Deindividuation is not entirely a bad thing like it might seem in my writing here….they are moments when it comes handy to good use like donating at a charity event, hhhmmm…(that’s a good thing, right?)

For somebody to be in a state of deindividuation, there are 3 factors to be keenly looked at.

The individual, the social situation at hand and the individual in the context of this particular social situation.


Photo credit: Youth For Charity Missions International (YOFOCHM)

Some people might say that for deindividuation to happen,

There are particular psychological processes that must occur or happen.

On the other hand, other people might say that for deindividuation to happen,

The social, economic, political and historical factors that influence the events in a given society must be keenly looked at.


Photo credit:Β OwlcationΒ 


The more the person becomes involved in the group, the less self-awareness they have, which includes knowing their morals, characters, and beliefs.

These qualities start to be replaced by the identity of the group.

The individual then begins to take on the morals and character that is held by the group as a whole!

Now, we both know how dangerous this can get, right?


Photo credit:Β Medium


Is this behaviour permanent or short-term?

The answer is no, it’s something I would love to term as short-term.

It can be unlearned slowly with time provided you learn to recognize when it is happening and what the pending dangers of it can be….(for the bad side of it, of course).


Photo credit:Β Freedom and Flourishing


Oops….did I mention that deindividuation breeds a false sense of anonymity amongst people, in the heat of the moment?

They tend to feel that they cannot or will not be identified easily and therefore, that gives them a pass of freedom to do whatever they want.

After all, who is there to watch them and pin-point them out as culprits or offenders?


Photo credit:Β IMDb


Be careful….

Somebody out there is watching you.

These eyes we’ve got are so greedy, you know that, right?

You just never know what tomorrow holds for you!