Ever heard of the name, Raymond Reddington?
Or just Reddington?
When you see his face, do you recall it from Boston Legal?

He’s the one kind of guy you never want to cross or steal from
Carrying 2 sides to the story
Just like an incident or a coin…mercy on one side and ruthlessness on the other
He always has an agenda of his own and 5 steps ahead of everyone
He is a master-mind of crime and a lord of crime himself

For 6 years now, the NBC has blessed with anywhere between 18 to 22 running episodes of a list compiled by the FBI‘s most wanted fugitive
I know….if you haven’t watched this show yet, you are wondering what the FBI is doing running after a guy that presumably has a list with him
Heck, you are wondering what’s on that list that has gotten tongues and tails wagging at the FBI
Because we are used to hearing that the FBI goes after the real bad guys….not just some people that carry lists with them!
I must tell you….this show has broken records, written new ones and set trends as far as television entertainment is concerned
I mean, at one point in time, it outcompeted the Super Bowl in terms of viewership that evening of it’s airing
That must be one hell of a show, if you ask me!

Like I said, there’s a list of criminals known to only the best and deepest of criminals but not the authorities like the Bureau
So, in exchange for his freedom and that of those he loves Reddington offers his services of providing information to the feds and in return, they get to put them away and win themselves some friends at the Hill.

I’ll save you a piece of the action where Red surrenders himself to the feds and requests for one person and only one…. Elizabeth Keane.
I will wait to see the question marks on your face when you get to that point
Now, you might be rolling your eyes….like, what the hell is this?
All that is jargon you will find in the show….more like what we globally call, Blacklisters’ jargon.
You will surely make some friends on the show like Dembe who happens to be the one person in charge of protecting Red
As well, you will come across Aram the computer wizard for this “Reddington task-force”. I hope you get to love how he does what he does.
Cooper is the head of this task-force and I love his style….compassionate and tough as nails
Navabi ….aaahhhh, she is simply the best…. She knows when to be what and for what. It’s a shame she left us in the worst of ways, you know.
Ressler is more like Keane’s direct partner in tracking down all these “blacklisters”.

I must warn you….there will a lot of runners and walkers, plans and moments where flexibility is required, suspense and clues on who is the next blacklister, shooters and shots, crimes and criminals, love and ruthlessness, conspiracies and conspirators, secrets from wwaaayyyyy back and their keepers and of course, a lot of Reddington…..like a lloottttt!
~ Enjoy ~
Blacklist has always been on my possible list, but I never knew enough about it to push it to the top. It sounds complicated – don’t fall asleep during the first few episodes – but I think I might just move it up my watch list. Thanks for the suggestion!
Nnnnoooooooooo…it isn’t …at all, Racheal! You will ❤️ it.
I haven’t watched The Blacklist yet! It looks so interesting!
??? yyyyooooooo…you are missing, Damian!
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I’ll need to watch Blacklist now. You’ve made a great case.
?? you are welcome, Dia!
My husband loved this show. He thought the character of Reddington was complex and intriguing.
Aaahhhh….I am glad to hear that. Red is simply “red”, you know! ??
Always looking out for good recommendations where interesting TV shows are concerned. This is one that hubby and I’d love to watch together. Off to check out if it’s available on Netflix or Amazon.
Aaaaahhhh…good to know, Mayuri!
To be completely honest, I recognize James Spader off of The U.S. Office. It’s one of my favourite shows! The Blacklist looks great, too.
I need to add this show to my radar as well. It seems like I’m missing out on some really good ones!
??? yyyeeessss Heather, you are!
I haven’t watched Blacklist but outcompeting the Super Bowl in terms of viewership – wow! Should check it out!
?? oh yeah….this show is something else!
The blacklist is my favourite! I loved it the most.
?? I am glad to hear this, Lavern!