Are you familiar with the Bourne Trilogy?

Like Jason Bourne and not James Bond?


Now, this is where this superb super-duper action series called Treadstone was formed and got to be released in 2019, from

Treadstone happens to be an โ€œoperationโ€ in the Bourne Trilogy

Made of super-human soldiers that are trained to be the โ€œnextโ€ generation of weapons that no one on earth has seen before

But we all know how well such missions go, right?

Especially, if they are known about by more than 3 personsโ€ฆ.

TREADSTONE — Episode 101 — Pictured: Jeremy Irvine as J. Randolph Bentley — (Photo by: Jonathan Hession/USA Network)

Word got out that the CIA had infiltrated the KGBโ€™s network

And obtained information that the Russians were planning to do something despicable to the United States

So, they sent in their peopleโ€ฆwho among those included agents like Doug to โ€œensure that this never gets to happenโ€

Which to a greater part workedโ€ฆ.but also, worked to their disadvantage

Because now, someone is using these same agents to kill whatever and whoever gets in their way

No one is sparedโ€ฆfrom ordinary civilians to Heads-of-state to cultural leaders to fellow agents

This ends up exposing the rot existing within the โ€œAgencyโ€โ€ฆ.

Now, all that asideโ€ฆ.can we talk about the โ€œskillsโ€ we see here?

Doug, in particularโ€ฆ.I mean, who is this guy?

Samantha who โ€œbroughtโ€ Bentley or should we say โ€œDougโ€ into the program! Look at how all turned out for her and babe. He was a mission for her in the beginning but as time went, they grew fonder of each other and they fell IN LOVE! They defend each other with their lives, if they have to.

Now, we have Petra who actually trained Sam into being a โ€œRussian Cicadaโ€! Does she ever miss a beat? NEVER!!! Right from the days in Budapest, she is on-mission and until โ€œitโ€™s overโ€, she stays liquid and sharp.

So Yun is another that left me fascinatedโ€ฆ.sheโ€™s small and is easy to belittle but hey, where I come fromโ€ฆthere is a saying that, โ€œdonโ€™t underestimate what is foldedโ€

She can FIGHT!

Yyyooooโ€ฆ.donโ€™t even mention her name! You know herโ€ฆ.our very famous โ€œlow-key journalistโ€, Tara, who turned out to be our Cicada!

Be ready for some betrayalโ€ฆ.from the ones you trust the most, on this one!

The ones you never thought would leave you

The ones you thought and knew stayed on-mission, no matter what

Get ready to see how greed people can get

Ps. We must agree that Ellenย  is sssooo at her best in such shows! Remember her here?

I canโ€™t wait to find out what happens when โ€ฆ.sees โ€œSamโ€ at the door of the cabin!