You know, I look back at the days I spent at Namilyango College….there was this House of residence called Hanlon….
Many of us would call it the House of Lords
How that came about to be, I don’t know
Because it looks like this name has been so around for ages and isn’t about to change any time soon
Over time, I personally, called it, β€œHanlon – House of Lords”
Fancy, right?

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In that line, I’d love to tell you a story about this very mighty powerhouse of a residence….
Will you let me?

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Let’s date back a decade ago
Somewhere in the sub-Saharan
In East Africa, to be to the exact coordinates

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A young man was from lunch
And was walking back to his end of the residence area, to his dormitory
To grab some sleep, probably or chew some fat
With buddies
The path to his house of residence is the same that’s used by the rest of the school, heading to the various playgrounds
And at the very end of this walk-way, is where the mighty Hanlon is situated
So, this young man meets this group of dudes walking by, holding their forks that had been hooking up the beans, rice and the ugali in the mess

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One of these dudes happened to be a school prefect
So, he sends this young man over to Hanlon….apparently that’s where he blacked or slept, to place his jacket and fork on his bed
The young man didn’t say no and faithfully obliged to his senior
And marched on to Hanlon, with a very big smile on his face… know, it’s like being sent to the State House to call out somebody and the President has instructed you to do that

On reaching the area close to the small garden of the Hanlon residence, there’s this bunch of residents of Hanlon, who spot this fresh piece of cheese of a face of a young man
And they decide it among them that they will prank this young man into thinking he’s at the wrong residence or something
You know how groupies and most especially boys be, right?
They spring up on this young man and begin bellowing out some jargon that he wasn’t familiar with… know, being that this young man was a freshman
A tiny circle is formed around the young man and questions begin flying in from all corners, which left the young man stunned at what to do
Then, one of the guys in the circle, probably one with some level of authority around there, calmly brings the already frightened young man, from the circle and talks him down
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He says that he shouldn’t go to places that aren’t his own to go to….more like don’t trespass
The young man nodded his head on the y-axis and was asked not to do it again
He was permitted to get in and do what brought him to the Hanlon
All scared and shivering to the root canal, you can imagine!
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You should have seen the young man sprint out of Hanlon, straight to his dorm and throwing his beddings over his head!